
The Vamps New Album is A Blow

The Vamps - Night and Day (Night Edition) So... I'm guessing that many of you have purchased the new album, or even if you haven't, you must have heard it on the radio or just listen to it online (streaming). I'm one of those streaming people. And I know that they've posted a lot of teaser before and I could have guessed that they new album is a lot more electronic than pop (anyway they still sound good). And I guess from their previous three singles; All Night, Middle of the Night and Hands, we could all guess they have changed their direction of music.  Their new album is called "Night and Day" if you don't know and it was released on July 14, 2017, just a few days ago (so it's still hot). They're releasing two versions on digital iTunes "Night and Day" and "Night and Day (Night Edition). And also if you live in the UK, you can purchase their limited personal edition; James Edition; Connor Edition; and Tristan Edition. 


Nothing really special about me, and I know just exactly how people dont think I'm 'something'. But I'm here to be myself and pour out everything I've been holding inside, alone. Okay so, this year I'm getting into college. And right now I come to the point where I have to choose whether I should continue my study or do what I want. I am applying for college and already been accepted by the university. But I just feel like this is not right, it's obviously not wrong—college, but to me this isn't completely right. A lot of people had been asking me what I want to be when I grow up. As a child, I'd say I wanna be a princess (like who doesn't?), or an astronaut in my case. But as the year went on, and I got a few little sight of 'adult world'; college, work, and military. I got much alerted or what I'm really gonna be when I really grow up—like under the legal age. And when people ask me that freaky question 'what do you wanna be

My tumblr

hey guys. It's my tumblr account. Have a visit please and follow. I'm following back :D Long live us! Posted via Blogaway


Heeyy, its been so long time since my last post. I dont know what to say but I'm just gonna say it even tough I know you wouldnt care but anywaaaay I was sooo busy with school stuffs. I need to make a Web Design in like 2 months and me and all of my friends are like crazy. not crazy about the web but we're crazy cause we dont know how to do it lol ahaha -_- there was a lot of going on while I'm off this blog. I got a new crush. second crush. I mean I never really like someone before my first crush. But thats what sucks! he doesnt like me back. and I just dont wanna disturb him, because I know what its like to be disturbing by someone who likes you but you just dont like them back. and I really really really hate it when my friends call his name when he's around me. That's so pathetic. if I were him I would have gone mad at me. I just,.. he's so adorable. I'm addicted to him, but he likes another girl and that another girl is his bestfriend. I hate it cause

Alasan Katie Gugat Cerai Cruise

Perceraian Tom Cruise dan Katie Holmes mengejutkan banyak pihak mengingat selama ini pasangan ini dikenal harmonis dan ini membuat banyak orang ingin mengetahui alasannya. Seperti terlansir Huffington Post, ketaatan Tom Cruise terhadap kepercayaan Saintologi yang semakin melekat membuat Katie Holmes takut putrinya akan dibawa masuk ke dalam kepercayaan itu. Hal tersebut membuatnya mengambil keputusan untuk bercerai demi masa depan putri mereka. Dikabarkan usia putri mereka, Suri (6), cocok untuk mulai dibekali kepercayaan Saintologi itu, sedangkan Katie Holmes tak ingin anaknya dipaksa memeluk satu agama tertentu. Cruise diketahui sudah lama menganut kepercayaan gereja Saintologi, bahkan dia pernah membuat video sebuah diskusi mengenai ketaatannya dalam memeluk kepercayaan tersebut. Sebelumnya, Katie Holmes melalui pengacaranya mengatakan, perceraian mereka adalah masalah yang sangat pribadi. "Dan, bagi Kate, yang terpenting hanyalah perkembangan putri semata wayangnya,&quo

Inilah Tweet Pertama Di Dunia

Sejak kemunculannya pertama kali pada 2006 hingga saat ini Twitter telah memiliki lebih dari 500 juta pengguna aktif, 340 juta tweet per hari dan 1.6 milliar pencarian per hari serta masuk peringkat 10 besar web yang paling banyak dikunjungi di internet. Dari angka-angka fantastis tersebut, menarik untuk mengetahui seperti apa tweet pertama di dunia. Inilah tweet pertama di dunia :     just setting up my twttr     — Jack Dorsey (@jack) Maret 21, 2006 Tweet pertama di dunia tersebut berasal dari akun salah satu pendiri Twitter, Jack Dorsey (@Jack) pada 21 Maret 2006. Sayangnya tweet pertama tersebut adalah tweet yang dihasilkan oleh mesin bukan diketik langsung dirinya. Sedangkan tweet pertama yang benar-benar dihasilkan oleh ketikan tangan manusia langsung adalah tweet berikut :     inviting coworkers     — Jack Dorsey (@jack) Maret 21, 2006 Masih ingat apa tweet pertamamu? sumber :

Kumpulan Kata-Kata Lucu Klinik Tong Fang

    Sudah 3 tahun saya terkena kencing manis.     Setelah saya berobat ke klinik TongFeng, kencing saya menjadi asin! terima kasih klinik Tongfeng.     Sudah 3 tahun saya menderita sakit kepala sebelah.     Setelah sayaberobat ke klnik Tong Fang, kepala saya tinggal sebelah.     Dulu saya sering gonta-ganti pacar.     Setelah ke klinik Tongfeng, saya jadi rajin gonta-ganti kelamin. Trims tongfeng